Welcome home at

R Corner Ranch

Enjoy the special touch of farm life that feeds a little sunshine into our souls.

Updating this beast of a site! Stay tuned. certain pages are nearly finished, like my 3rd+ Nubian freshener page and 4th+ Nigerian freshener page. New LA and milk testing data incoming! Goats look better than ever.

The People, Animals, and story of R corner ranch l.L.C.

Hey! I’m Emily Reed. Nice to meet you! I breed a few kinds of goats, ducks, chickens, and turkeys. I am an ADGA Plus member located in Silex, MO. I started with goats in 2020 and have really developed my breeding program after loving the world of goats. In 2023, I signed up for my first year of milk testing and linear appraisals. It was a HUGE learning experience. I should have 2 goats earning awards for their 2023 lactations with the ANDDA (Blizzard and Bella for their butterfat). I am so excited for 2024! Here we go! I am very proud of my stock and hope to make the best breeding decisions for them by embracing their best traits and selecting sires to take my girls closer to my goals of goats with high production, butterfat percentage, and conformation. Our Nigerian Dwarves and Nubians are registered with the ADGA. My Mini Nubians are registered with the MDGA. I purchased my first tank for AI for 2024 and will begin artificially inseminating a few does in 2024. I plan to also collect my bucks the fall of 2024 and may offer straws from them later. You will likely be able purchase straws to AI your does if any bucks catch your eye!


I enjoy breeding quality poultry as well. See my Lavender Ameraucanas, Welsummers, Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, and Double Laced Barnevelders. My Welsummers are from very nice quality dark egg laying lines comparable to dark producing Marans. I plan to become NPIP certified and ship hatching eggs in 2024.



I might not always have kids available. Feel free to ask! While I aim for high quality goats, my goats also make great pets and walking buddies to well researched owners. I will be selling males as pet quality wethers unless they are excellent sires that I would use in my own breeding program. That means only my best will be going as registered bucks, and most will be companions. Goats are NOT a good impulsive buy! Most of my goats are show quality and carry the potential of good production with high butterfats. They are sold up to date on CDT (if old enough), disbudded, and tattooed (if old enough). Most wethers will be too young to band here and sold as bottle babies. Wethering them will make them far better pets and is up to the responsibility of the buyer. I will band any bucklings 8 weeks old or older going as wethers. I can work with a buyer for transportation. Some options may be more affordable than you think! I can hold goats until 8 weeks with a deposit, but I prefer to sell kids as bottle babies because I have so many kids. See my kidding pages and for sale page for more information!



I also have a small YouTube channel to keep in touch with my small following of people as I grow and learn. I am not very active with it at the moment. I have a quirky sense of humor and try to use my Creative Writing English degree to fuel my video editing (sparsely).  I created R Corner Ranch L.L.C. in the summer of 2022 and hope to do some nice things under that business name (I say this eyes full of optimism). 

R Corner Ranch is also on TikTok!

R Corner Ranch’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and email are below. PLEASE NOTE: Animal sales are not permitted on Facebook, so please pm if you want to discuss purchasing a animal.

How It Started

Living where you can hear everything in nature calling in the distance is more of my kind of life than the city suburbs. It resonated with my mother, father, and grandmother as well. We started a family farm together. My family decided to dip our toes into the homesteading adventure in 2020. Coincidentally, that was just around the time the world was getting a little wilder. We lived in travel trailers at the farm until the house was finished in the fall of 2021. We started with chickens first. Then, we got turkeys and ducks–all in the living room of the old house before they made the trip to the farm. In May, we decided to get Nigerian Dwarf goats. We loved goats so much, we got Nubians the next summer. Now the farm is growing, and animals are everywhere! 



The story is just beginning. I plan to sell soap, lotion, goat and turkey walks at some point. We have multiple gardens that keep us busy and might begin to offer produce for sale. I started selling raw milk in 2023. I will be offering raw cream as well in 2024. A variety of duck, chicken, and turkey eggs are also available. I may use an online farmer’s market to sell milk, produce, and eggs–still figuring that out!  I may also other products in my online merchandise section.

How It's Going


Feel free to buy whoever is available in the for sale section!

Disease Status Information

Results for 2024: All goats over a year old (old enough to be tested reliably) were negative for CAE and Johne’s. YAY! I AM A DISEASE FREE GOAT FARM.

*I will not be testing for CL due to its unreliability, the false positives, and many borderline results people have reported. I have also heard goats can actively have CL and not test positive for the blood test. I have never seen signs of CL in my goats. I do have a few goats I have tested for CL and can show that to any buyers if they are interested. If I find an abscess on a goat in the future, I will directly send a sample of the puss to a lab. That is the reliable way to test. I cannot justify sending bloodwork for CL testing with it not accurately detecting goats with CL present and giving false positives to goats without CL. Thank you for your understanding.* 

See our herd’s latest test results:

Preview area for when the Shop Merchandise section is done!

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Your support means a lot to me!

Thank you for visiting my site. I hope to see you again!

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