Raw Goat Milk

Farm pickup only! In Missouri it is legal to sell raw milk if it is picked up at the farm. Message me first after checking the availability and prices below. I will make sure I fulfill your order and have it ready for you.

* Yay! Milk is available! *


Price to Buy Goat Milk:

$6 for a half gallon

First customers needing a half gallon jar will need to pay $6 to buy their jar from me. They will not need to pay another jar fee unless the container is missing or damaged.

$12 for a gallon

First customers needing a gallon jar will need to pay $12 to buy their jar (or 2 half gallon jars) from me. They will not need to pay another jar fee unless the container is missing or damaged. Only buy a gallon if you can use most of it in 7 days!

$3 for a pint

A sample size to see how you like goat milk. Bring a glass mason jar that holds a pint (1/8 gallon or about 16 oz).

I only sell milk to go inside clean glass containers. Glass is far more sterilizable than other materials. Goat milk is best used within 7 days. It can last longer if kept nice and cold. Refrigerate promptly. As the days go by, goat milk can increase in “goaty” flavor after 6 days. Small bits of fat are normal, and some fat may rise to the top. Flavor and fat levels may vary from time to time. Some of the goats have much higher butterfat than the others. ENJOY!

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